easy integration

Connect to your company systems and apps in seconds

Add-ons to your content creation and management tools

video showing successively different add-ons

Sharepoint logo

Mondeca Autotag add-on for SharePoint

Auto-tagging made easy via SharePoint Automate feature. Select a document and simply requests for tags using Mondeca Autotag!

MS Word logo

Mondeca KB add-on for Word

Connect to your KB when using Word, find useful information in your knowledge base to perfect your reports!

Drupal logo

Mondeca KB add-on for Drupal

Integrates with the KB API to display term definitions into your node contents. When a KB tag is inserted into a text in a format supporting the tag, it is displayed as an infobox using core javascript libraries

Instantly analyze user generated content


Integrate machine learning libraries and trained models

ML Libraries

ML Trained models